Friday, November 25, 2005


I am trying very hard to be understanding of human frailties. This includes my own. Also, I am trying to accept that sometimes, even though I've done my best, people may still misunderstand my intentions. Someone else's issues may make it impossible for them to hear what I am actually saying. I've decided that in those cases I need to realize that its their struggle to deal with and not mine. I am also trying to accept that sometimes other people are not trying to be understanding of my frailties. And other times, its possible that their intentions were not meant to be bad but I've misunderstood because I have issues of my own.

Knowing these things helps me to get over things and move on. Its funny how easy it can be to be happy when things don't have to be perfect.

1 comment:

Elise said...

Sorry angry prophet, sometimes I'm not that clear to others, only to myself. This was something that I wanted to write. I'm sitting here thinking about how to explain what I meant and wondering if I can. Maybe I'll rewrite it. Sometimes I write things that I don't think about other people reading but just feel compelled to get it out of me. I know, its a public blog, oh well. I do think too much, but I have a lot to think about...another ha, ha.
Basically, this was about people judging (negatively) other people including me judging others and being judged. As a woman, one of my big issues is how women don't support each other. It bothers me when other women criticize me or each other and it bothers me even more when I do it. Everyone does it (judges) but sometimes it is so subtle that no one realizes not even the person doing it. Its still destructive.