Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Don't you hate it when you confide to a friend about a problem and they come back with a story of their own just to top your story? What's the scoop with that? My problem is way worse than your problem. My childhood was way worse than your childhood. My in-laws are way more annoying than yours. My family is way more wacky than your family. Ecetera.

Is this problem competition? Hardship competition? Insanity competition?

Friendship Rule #1: When a friend confides in you, just be supportive. Resist the urge to one-up them with a worse scenario from your own personal experience.
Important phrases to memorize: "Wow, really?!" "I know what you mean!" "How terrible it must have been for you!"

Just for the record, my family is definitely WAY crazier than yours, so there! Somehow winning that competition just doesn't feel right...

1 comment:

Misty said...

lol.... how true though!