Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I sit by my window looking at the flakes falling. I know that they will not amount to anything. I miss the snow! About a week ago we got a light dusting and while walking Beau I soaked in the sound of the snow crunching under my feet. I began weaving back and forth acrossed the dirt road so I could hear the sound more. I glanced over my shoulder wondering if anyone was watching and what they would think. I know I am somewhat childlike in my desire for a good snowstorm. As an adult I am supposed to complain that snow is on the way instead of lamenting when its not. I like to watch the snow from the comfort of my warm house as well as lay down in it to make a snow angel. I haven't been sledding once this year or "sliding" as we called it in NH. Boo hoo! SNOW WHERE ART THOU?!?!


landismom said...

Yeah, as we were walking to school this morning, my daughter said, "I hate this winter! When is it going to snow?"

Chip said...

we've actually gotten some snow, and today there were little bits of snowflakes slowly drifting down, it was beautiful and very nice to have winter back.