Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I know that some people like to analyze their dreams but for me its just not worth spending much time. My dreams are either super obvious to analyze or so weird that you would never figure out what they meant. I never have nightmares. I really mean never. I think I've only had a couple dreams that were even slightly scarey. What does that say about me? That I'm really brave or just too stupid to be scared of anything?

So an example of one of those bizarre dreams is one that I had a couple weeks ago. In my dream I needed to blow my nose and couldn't find a tissue. I saw a very flexible pair of running sneakers and blew my nose on them. Then along comes "Brad" a character from an MTV reality show called "The Real World" and he's extremely upset over the fact that I've blown my nose on his sneakers. I am profusely sorry and tell him I'll clean them off. Dream ends with me cleaning the sneakers. Now what could that mean other than I watch too much MTV?

Just before bed last night I watched a show on Pakistan, the Taliban and Afghanistan. After falling asleep I again dreamed of a reality show. This time I was a participant on some unknown reality show with other people. One young woman on the show continuously found reasons to cry. By the end of my dream (or the end of the episode however you want to look at it) I was fed up with her blubbering. I finally snapped and told her how she should appreciate her wonderful life we have here in the United States and how bad it was for people in other places like Africa or Afghanistan. Then some other people were cleaning the house we were living in and I decided to vacuum. The loud vacuuming annoyed all the other people. That coupled with the fact that I had been so mean to the sobbing, young woman meant I was sure to get voted off in the next elimination round. Once again I must watch too much TV. Sadly, I now have a slight fear of vacuuming. Okay, okay, I'm just using that as an excuse to not vacuum.

This post has made it clear to me that my real fear is the fear of analyzing my dreams. You see, now I know that I watch too much TV. That can't be a good thing. If I hadn't tried to analyze my dreams I would still be blissfully unaware of that fact. If I'm lucky, I'll hit my head and develop amnesia.

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