Friday, February 10, 2006


I've been neglecting my blog....

We've been busy. Thomas competed in the regional "Math Counts" competition and his team of 4 "mathletes" won first place! They will go on to compete in the state competition where the top four mathletes will go on to the nationals in Arlington, Virginia. He's a bit like me when it comes to competition and has been telling me all along that he is "in it for the math not the competition". Don't get me wrong, he's happy to win but would have been just as happy if he didn't. When you love something like math, its fun to be surrounded by the few other kids who love it too. In a way we both have a part of us that would like the competition part to be over - you know - yeah we won, let's go home!

I've been planning a big camping trip to Disney World and its keeping me pretty busy. I've made a lot of reservations but I still have a bit of stuff to do. Since the kids don't get much time off from school we will have to go in June. I know, HOT! I've survived June and August in Florida before and I can do it again!!!

Lately I have been dealing with a lot of little frustrations and its been getting me down a bit. You know how that goes, nothing big but all those little things add up until you realize that you are walking around with a constant headache! I think a few of them will work out soon so hopefully I will not have to replenish my supply of Advil!

Oh yeah, I turned 42 on tuesday....old, old, old. Part of me doesn't mind getting older but .....


Elise said...

I never lie about my age, my kids say I look young for my age so I would hate to lie and then have people say I look old for my age! I sometimes still feel 26! My sister says 50 is the worse. I'm not in any hurry to find out!

Anonymous said... do look young for your age. You look about 35 or so. I hope "we" ,lol, dont get to hot.