Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I always wonder when I hear a parent that is describing their parenting methods, what is really happening in their house. When they say "I sit Suzy down in her timeout chair and explain to her why she can't poke a pen into her baby brother's eye", is that really what happens? Sometimes I was that calm. It seems like most times I would scream something like "Oh My GOD, what were you thinking, you could have blinded him for life and then you'd be sorry, you'd have to lead him around the rest of his life and you'd know it was all YOUR fault, blah, blah blah..." After I got myself under control I'd say, "Sorry for overreacting but I'm a bit stressed out....but that doesn't mean that what you did was okay. You should still feel incredibly guilty!"

These days I don't do that as much but its probably because the kids behave most of the time. They seem to have an incredibly guilty conscience. I'm not sure why.


landismom said...

Hah! So true. I tend to scream only if I think there is real danger (or I've been rubbed raw by sibling infighting for three hours or more), but that doesn't mean I'm calm and rational the rest of the time.

Jennifer (ponderosa) said...

Oh, that's so true. I also wonder how a person was raised when they take extreme stands. Seems like most of the people explaining their parenting take extreme stands.

Guilty consciences! Thank god for those! My daughter has one, son not so much.

Anonymous said...

LOL, yep. It's too hard to tell the real story to most people!

Anonymous said...

i found you through a comment you made at ccjellybeans. i thought your comment was probably the most 'real' one of the bunch.

i agree with your post. i don't know how people can see something like that and keep calm. i'm better at keeping calm now, but i'm nowhere near how most people portray themselves. just like i don't really think THEY are either. :)