Monday, June 11, 2007


Just an update on Thomas's "prestigious" award. I think the prestigious one, was an academic achievement award given by President Bush to any student with certain grades. He also received the Science award and Math award for being the best student, I guess. His math average is 101.2% (from getting bonus questions right as well as almost every question he was ever asked on a test). He also received his Math Counts award. He also has the highest GPA of all the eighth graders. So he's Mr. Smarty Pants. Blah, blah, blah! My neighbor tells me I SHOULD brag more about my kids but what's more annoying than a bragging mom?!?! He does appreciate being smart but I think he was more happy that the pond he made has attracted a frog and a salamander than getting all those awards. The eighth grade graduation "present" that he appreciated the most was having me spend time sifting the dirt in his garden. Its a dirty job but someone had to do it! Ha Ha! We also gave him the money to buy a pump for his pond so he can have a waterfall. Now all the frogs will have a place to splash around. Congratulations Thomas - now on to high school.

Of course Erin and Sarah have done well this year but they are not at one of those milestone years. They are just happy for school to be done! Erin has one more year in the middle school and Sarah one more year in the elementary school. This all just makes me realize how fast time goes by!

We are savoring this time of the summer. When you have days and days left to relax and have fun. We have all our vacations still to come. A trip to NH, time spent at the shore, a trip to Knoebel's Amusement park and plenty of time enjoying our home here in the Poconos.

1 comment:

landismom said...

Wow, 8th grade graduation! I was sighing the other day because the Bee is now halfway through elementary school. It's amazing, how quickly it happens.