Saturday, June 16, 2007


I just dropped Thomas off for his field trip to Gettysburg, PA. While I was there I was chatting with another mother. She told me that her son was invited to about ten eighth grade graduation parties. She said that most of them involved drinking or drugs so her son is not going. Thomas has been invited to one graduation party and I am sure that there won't be any drinking or drugging. As I looked at my son sitting on the bus, Rubik's Cube in hand, I wondered how his teenage years could be so different than many of his peers. He was not invited to those other parties where bad things would be happening. I don't even think he's aware that they are going on. He is so busy with his hobbies and activities that he wouldn't have time to even consider these things. I know my kids well and I know that they see their future. They know what needs to be done to get there. They don't want to mess it up.

It makes me wonder how prevalent these issues are. I know so many kids that are not doing these things. I am not naive but it still makes me amazed that there are two worlds inside the middle school. I am thankful for the world that my kids are in.

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