Tuesday, December 20, 2005


I've noticed the general trend with my blog lately tends to be a whine fest. That's odd because my mood has been quite good lately. So, with that in mind I've decided to write a post that is more reflective of my current state.

I absolutely love where I live! I don't usually go out in the evenings but whenever I do, I often feel a sense of gratitude driving along our lonely country roads. For some reason the feeling of the darkness enveloping me feels cozy. No street lights to blaze the way. I just have to trust that the road in front of me will continue. I wonder how the many twists and turns in my life have brought me to this little piece of Pennsylvania. Remembering how many times I had looked down while flying in a jet plane and marveling how many lives I was seeing and now thinking I was just one of those. A transplant from New Hampshire, I'm still able to enjoy the four seasons. However, the somewhat milder environment in Pennsylvania brings me a peace both physically and mentally. I smile to think of the life I've carved out here. It's all mine. No one else told me to live in Pennsylvania. It is my chosen land. For me nothing is better than hiking in one of our lush forests to find a rushing waterfall at the end of the trail. Wiggling our toes in the frigid mountain stream. In the winter seeing frozen scenery worthy of a photograph but knowing that a picture isn't necessary because tomorrow will bring another view just as beautiful. I love our mountains and I love my little dirt road, dust and all. I think of all the sweat I have poured into our five and one third acres and our rambling house. Remembering each project completed, or not. Our choice to finish or leave it for another day. Thinking of our kids, the family we created. Knowing I am loved. Wrapping myself in a quilt and snuggling up in front of the fire. Watching the flames and knowing that this is the happiness that I've created. My greatest accomplishment so far.


landismom said...

That's a lovely, lovely post. And fwiw, I don't think you've been whiny lately.

Elise said...

Angry Prophet, I think the poet in me comes out in my old age (lol). Most of our backyard is natural with deer and bear and the occasional skunk that Beau likes to say "Hi" to! All sorts of little fuzzy and feathery things that they like to eat when they get their little paws on them. The occasional hawk and sometimes even a bald eagle! I always pictured Colorado as a bunch of rich skiers going around and singing "Colorado, Rocky Mountain high..." hee hee!