Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I've been tagged with a meme to write 8 random habits/facts about myself.

1. I met my husband, Tom, at my sister's wedding when she was marrying his brother. I was only 13 and he was 18 and if you had told me I would eventually marry him, I would have laughed hysterically.
2. When I was 15 years old I became friends with Tom and he tells me one of the first things I said to him was that I would never get married!
3. I went to NJ Institute of Technology in Newark, NJ for my first year of college. Quite a culture shock from my country bumpkin upbringing in NH! It was very eye opening.
4. The only times I have been out of the country were my vacations to the Bahamas and Canada and a couple of short jaunts into Mexico.
5. Growing up, we were kind of poor. We drank powdered milk, my mother made a lot of my clothes, we ate vegetables from my father's huge garden. We also ate eggs from our chickens and ducks and if they were roosters, we ate them! We ate tons of wild blueberries, dandelions (yuck), homemade maple syrup and even baby ferns (called fiddleheads). All in the name of saving money. As a kid I never knew we were poor. I guess because I always had food, clothes and a roof over my head - that was enough.
6. I usually take my shower midafternoon so when I wake up I just quickly put on the clothes that I was wearing the evening before. I probably often times look like I wear my clothes two full days in a row but usually not!
7. If I eat a lot of chocolate, I will get diarrhea.
8. If I have soda in the house, I let my children drink it for breakfast.

Now I am supposed to tag eight other people. I will see if my kids read this and tag Erin and Sarah. That's it, no one else to tag...

1 comment:

landismom said...

Thanks for playing along! OMG, soda for breakfast would freak my kids out!