Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Its been so cold, you know that kind where the boogers freeze in your nose?!?! Every morning below zero. Even though I bundle up to go out it takes my breath away and feels hard to breath. I'm glad I don't have a job where I need to be out for long periods of time. Regardless of the deep freeze we are in I'm able to appreciate the small things. The cold came right on the heels of a small snowstorm so the snow has stayed around. I love the look of white cleaness. I am really ecstatic that our pipes have not frozen. We have a crawl space and sometimes some of the pipes freeze when it gets really cold. I guess we haven't had enough wind for that to happen. When it finally warms up we will still have enough ice for iceskating!

One thing I love about February is that if you pay attention you will see and hear the signs of spring. The birds don't seem to care that the temperatures scream winter. They know, somehow they know. I open the door to let Beau out in the morning and I hear the birds. Their voice has changed to one heralding spring. A little snippet of things to come. The sun feels different. Stronger, warming me to the bones. Well, maybe not to the bones, but once this weather breaks it will! Soon there will be those patches of dried grass that the sun has warmed. I love to find a small hill where this has happened and sit for awhile soaking in the sun's rays. Watching the last of the snow melt away. I hope we do get at least one big snow storm before the spring meltdown. I love those little rivulets of water and the mud.

Spring, spring!

Don't get me wrong, I do have a fondness for winter, its just that I like the change of seasons. That's why I could never live in Florida or California. The changes make me feel like I live in four different places. Each special in its own way.

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