Sunday, September 03, 2006


I've been living in shock for almost a week now. I've been going to doctors and getting tested for this and that. When I found out that I had a fibroid tumor I was surprised but not really worried. Then during a visit last week with my new endocrinologist I found out that the pituitary tumor I had removed 12 years ago has come back. I have an appointment with the neurosurgeon who removed the first pituitary tumor this friday. We will discuss what can be done about it this time. On that same day I found out that my thyroid is underactive and I will need to take medication for the rest of my life. They will do a needle biopsy of the nodule that is on my thyroid in order to rule out anything serious.

Do you know what's really funny? I feel fine. I have all this bad stuff wrong with me, and I feel fine! DO YOU HEAR ME...I FEEL FINE!!!! It must all be a dream. WAKE UP ELISE, WAKE UP!!!

As far as how serious all this is, it could be worse. The operation for the tumor is pretty delicate, but I have a really good surgeon. They go in through your nose. Pretty interesting.


landismom said...

Sorry to hear about your health issues, though I'm glad that it is not affecting your mood. Hope it all clears up soon. It seems like the fibroid tumor surgery is getting a lot less invasive--my mom had to have a hysterectomy, but a good friend of mine just had a much less serious procedure.

Elise said...

Landismom, so far they don't want to do anything about the fibroid tumor since it is not causing me any problems. Its the pituitary tumor that will be the problem since it is inside my head and the space where the pituitary is located is very small to begin with. The pituitary tumor is already twice the size of the pituitary itself, that is why I need to see the brain surgeon on friday. Eventually it would start to press on the optic nerve and possibly make me not be able to see. Also it can start to invade all the areas around it and cause a lot of problems.