Saturday, April 22, 2006


My entire sweet little family was at Wendy's eating the other night. I was somewhat tired and vegging out. I saw a mother come in with two preschool aged boys. In my mind I sent out sympathy vibes because I know that can be a difficult age to deal with. I quietly mentioned this to my husband and said that she's probably just trying to make it through the meal. Then I sat and minded my own business. I overheard her having a loud conversation with her kids.

Kid: He said something that I couldn't quite understand.

I didn't turn around to see what she was talking about but thought maybe he had said some bad word.

On the way home from there, Erin asked me if I had heard the woman's conversation and I said yes but I didn't know what she was talking about. She said that the little boy was blowing the wrapper off the end of his straw. When she had asked him where he had learned to do that, he had pointed to Erin, Thomas and Sarah and said "THEM!!" So apparently, my kids are gross and disgusting!! Erin was not happy but she told me that since I did it too and had actually taught them how to do it, she wondered what this mother must do for fun. She figured that the mother NEVER had any fun. In my opinion, its not gross and disgusting, obnoxious maybe, but not gross and disgusting! And I think it would only be obnoxious if you did it towards someone you didn't know or left the wrappers on the floor. That's my humble opinion, but then again, I'm gross and disgusting! At least I know how to have fun!

I told Erin, that when this woman loudly proclaim how gross and disgusting it was, Erin should have pointed to me and her dad and said "AND I LEARNED IT FROM THEM!!"


vanessa said...

i like to carefully scrunch the paper straw wrpapers til they are tiny, then take them of and add a drop of water. instant worm ;-) i guess i am disgusting also!

Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.

Anonymous said...

Excellent, love it! » »