Thursday, April 13, 2006


I've been spending a lot of time working outside in the yard and my two vegetable gardens. My loyal companion has been Thomas. He loves to garden and has an incredible amount of energy for it. This year I bought some more fencing and we have broken new ground! I have always given him his own spot in the garden but this year he is working on a new spot for himself. He dug holes to put up fence posts and has already attached the fencing. He has pulled out all the bushes that seem to grow rampant around here. He is now working on getting out the never ending Pennsylvania rocks. I'm sure he will be ready to plant by the time the last frost hits us.

Its great to have his company while I struggle through the bushes, roots and rocks in my own area. We have an informal contest of who pulled out the longest root. I think I currently hold that record but didn't measure the winning root. We both have a love hate relationship with all those rocks because although they can be frustrating, its also very satisfying to pull out a really big one. We probably should make an audio tape of all the huffing and puffing because it would be funny to play back later.

I think the best part for me is to see Thomas's pride that he's accomplished so much on his own. He is finally getting old enough and big enough to be able to carry out the dreams that are inside his head. His garden might not be perfect, but its something that is all his!


Anonymous said...

I have recently pulled out an enormous root about twice as long as my mother's now. I wish her luck on trying to pull out a root as long as mine was.

Elise said...

I don't think I'll be able to beat you Thomas, all I've managed to pull out is one of my muscles!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Root pulling contests! I hope your sore musceles (can't spell it)get better. Love you.
P.S. Thanks for the letter.

cyndy said...

Ahh yes...those never ending PA rocks that continue to work their way to the wonder they built so many stone walls around here...;-)