Thursday, January 29, 2009


The reason I write this blog is to have a diary of the happenings in my life and my thoughts and feelings about those happenings. Although I do not really have a following like some bloggers do, I like that this is public because it keeps me from revealing names or saying really hurtful things. I would not want a journal that displays just a meanness. I purposely do not tell my friends and relatives about this blog because I would have to censor myself in ways that I would not like. I would have to wonder if they would take something the wrong way or think that I was talking about them. I've found in my interactions with my friends and relatives they are often very sensitive and manage to twist my words to make themselves believe I've hurt them. Maybe its true that I am a mean person but I've learned to try to be careful with what I say. In the end however, I feel as if I'm only talking about mundane things with them. Whether I'm mean or not, this is who I am and I feel I've changed enough.

So with all this in mind I've decided to treat this blog as a good friend. A good friend who will not judge me, who listens with interest and is not overly sensitive.

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