Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Generally, I'm not a superstitious person but I have one superstition that seems to have stuck in my brain. When I was a child I heard that if you kill a spider it will make it rain. Ever since then, I have been especially kind to arachnids. Being careful not to step on them. Scooping them up in paper towels to shuttle them outside if necessary. Sometimes even leaving spider webs in the corners so I wouldn't disturb them. All so I wouldn't be responsible for a rainstorm. Occasionally I have found it necessary to dispose of a spider in a not so humane way. If its extra big and I'm not close to a door I've been known to squish it rather than save it. On those days I tend to glance often at the sky awaiting the inevitable downpour.

I can't say for sure if killing a spider has any effect on the weather but I do know that today it sure seemed that way. This morning I opened the back door to let my cat out into the sunshine. A medium sized spider came rushing in as if the warmth of the house was where it wanted to spend its winter. I narrowed my two eyes and gave it a stare, it froze and looked up at me with it's eight eyes. I said to myself, "bah, I'm a silly superstitious fool!" I then quickly grabbed a paper towel and threw it down on the unsuspecting spider. No shuttling today, even with the door only a foot away. I crushed down on the helpless spider and only felt a slight resistance. I felt mean. I had an unsettled feeling that I had done something wrong, something really wrong. A couple hours later the clouds rolled in. Not long after that the raindrops came down. I hope it doesn't last into tomorrow when my son's cross country team has their final race.

I've learned my lesson and I'll probably go back to my peace loving ways. This admission should count for something. Will the spider loving gods let the sun come out?

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