Saturday, July 15, 2006


While camping at Disney World I made a trip to the bathroom. While in there I overheard two girls 7 and 9 years old in the handicap stall next to me. They were in the midst of quarreling. The 7 year old was trying to put on a bikini and seemed to be having quite a bit of trouble. The 9 year old was supposedly trying to help but the 7 year old was not allowing it. The 9 year old was telling her sister that she was 7 and should know how to put on a bathing suit, but since she was 9 she could help her. "You never help me the right way!!" "Fine, if you won't let me help you then I'm leaving!" "Fine!" "Fine!" Then I hear a couple of resounding slaps! I'm not sure if slapping each other snapped them out of the battle but then I heard the 9 year old say "Okay, if you don't tell on me then I won't tell on you!" The 7 year old answers "Well, that's just fine with me!"

Not too long after that the mother shows up and in an annoyed voice says "What's going on in here? What's taking you so long?" The 7 year old calmly says "I was having just a little bit of trouble and after I tried to put on my suit for awhile I just said 'Bre, could you please help me put my bathing suit on?' and then she helped me put it on."

I'm in my stall hiding and trying to muffle my laughs....the mother was suspicious but I guess what she doesn't know won't hurt her!


Chip said...

that is hilarious. I love it when I overhear my kids interacting when they think we're not around. It's funny.

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