Sunday, July 17, 2005


It's great to be back in Pennsylvania! Even though its our second "home" in New Jersey, I can only stand being there for so long before I need to come back to the tranquility of Pennsylvania! No traffic, no crowds, just peace and quiet. And the deer that came up on my porch and ate my petunias. Guess they didn't mind climbing the steps! I was looking forward to seeing some blooms on them since I grew them from seeds I collected last summer. Sigh. Well, everything is definitely green compared to the Jersey shore area even my pool that is very yucky looking. A lot of algae, but I'm already working on it. Hopefully it won't take too long to get it back to normal...

I've got to go to bed since I need to wake up and take the kitties to the vet in the morning! Then on to the hairdresser's with my daughter for much needed haircuts.

Its good to be home....

1 comment:

Misty said...

welcome home!!!