Thursday, May 13, 2010


I received six raspberry plants from Gurney on Tuesday and planted them Wednesday. They pretty much look like I gathered some sticks from the woods and jammed them down into the soil. The roots looked a bit dried out but I am hopeful that they are still alive because all but one had at least some sort of living growth sprouting off. The written info that came with them said not to worry, that they were "dormant" although they looked almost dead. I am thinking that Gurney says this so that people don't immediately ask for new ones knowing that if people wait to ensure that they are dead, most people will not bother to contact them for replacements. I however will contact them because I only bought the 6 and it ended up costing me $20 on sale. Being a ULTRA cheapo, I rarely spend $20 on anything. I prefer to get things free from others. I am totally willing to give away my extras like the strawberry plants that I dug up to make a spot for the raspberries. So, although I am hopeful that they are not dead, the few times that I've ordered plants through the mail, if they looked dead, they were dead!

1 comment:

Brenda Grolle said...

Let me know how they work out for you. I had blackberries for a few years. Rather, I had the bush. We hardly got any blackberries. One year the robins got them all. The following year I used bird netting. That year, the Japanese beetles got them all.