Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I've recently come to the conclusion that I may have a tendency to become friends with Know It Alls. I realized this after I was noting the similarities between a couple of my friends. I was thinking that they both love to tell me what to do. They both think they are more knowledgeable than they actually are. They both think they are more physically adept than they are. Then I started to see that many people in my life are this way. I was wondering if the world is populated with a bunch of Know It Alls or if they just seem to flock to me.

Mostly I just brush all of this advice and banter off but on some level I find it annoying. I try to tell myself that they are doing it because they care about me but another part of me feels that they think I'm some sort of loser who needs to be guided in the right direction. Its not that I think that I'm a loser but its annoying that they might think I'm a loser. It's quite possible that because I am a good listener who doesn't want to hurt people's feelings they feel comfortable letting loose on me.

I'm sure that this kind of talk makes them feel good. I dare say that just maybe they don't really feel good about themselves. They can reduce their insecurities by constantly letting others know just how smart, strong, wonderful they really are.

In reality, we all know that I'm much better than every one of them!


Anonymous said...

yeah those sorts of people are really selfish and just bullies... but the funny thing is though, they don't even know it! They probably "know" not to be bullies and "know" how important it is to be considerate, but i actually dont think they can help themselves... plus, you know what? In life, the people who really live it and are truly peaceful are people who live with intuition and feel with the heart - just think about ur poor friends who suffer from living with the analytical mind! it must be tiring, but one day they'll think wow.. that person over there seems truly happy (and looks at his/herself) and wonder why she/he isn't happy either.... i think we should all be a bit more compassionate to know-it-alls!

Elise said...

Its interesting because I wrote this post awhile ago and I'm still friends with these two people but my relationship has changed somewhat because I need to protect myself from people who bring me down. I never looked at it from a compassion point of view...interesting. I do have people who I feel sorry for living their life the way they do but not really know-it-alls. I guess with other people who are unhappy they probably know why but you are right, know-it-alls are so busy thinking they know it all that they can't open their mind to change so could possibly be unhappy without knowing why.

Sometimes I think I could live with a little more intuition and heart....