Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Sarah: Mom, does a wood chuck really chuck wood?
Me: No
Sarah: Then why do they call it a wood chuck?
Me: I don't know it doesn't really make sense.
Sarah (in a totally serious voice): I wonder, how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? I wonder that.
Me: (ha, ha) I wonder too.
Sarah: Isn't a wood chuck someone who chops down wood?
Me: (hee, hee) No, that's a....wood chopper I guess.
Sarah: I think they should be called a wood chuck because that makes more sense.
Me: A wood chuck can also be called a ground hog. That makes more sense.
Sarah: WHAT'S WITH THE HOG! Have you ever seen a hog? It doesn't look anything like a hog, maybe a little chubby but still!
Me: (chuckle).
Sarah: Why do you keep laughing at me?
Sarah (with lips puffed out, emphasizing every word but still totally serious): How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck WOULD chuck wood?
Sarah: I think it should be "would" not "could". I like that way better.
Me: Because its your way?
Sarah: No, because it is better that way.
Me: Well, maybe people assume that if a wood chuck COULD chuck wood, it would. Its just that it can't, but if it could, it would. People assume that.

I don't think Sarah was convinced but we had arrived at the school.

Me: Have a good day!
Sarah: Bye.

1 comment:

Elise said...

I'm commenting on my own post, but this has made me think about how adults have the weight of the world on their shoulders. If we spent more time wondering how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood then we would have less time to worry about all that other junk!