Monday, August 22, 2011


I reread my post about the chaos surrounding my family because of the deaths last year and thought I should update on that as well. I really feel much better about it in general. I realize that it really didn't have much to do with the deaths but it had to do with family relationships and how I handle them. I think the biggest problem comes from the fact that I would PREFER to have a somewhat close relationship with both sides of the family. Even if this means that I would have to grin and bear some imperfections in people. My problem comes when I don't know how much I should be grinning and bearing! It really bothers me when I see family members being mean to each other to the point that they end up not speaking to each other. In the past I have not wanted to be one of these people so I tended to put up with a lot. During this past year, I have realized that I am putting up with too much. I have distanced myself from family members and I am much happier living that way. I am realizing that I am much better off avoiding contact. I have not had any big fight. I still have a cordial relationship with all family members. I just have not made any effort to be nice and keep in touch unless I feel like it. I have not forced myself to visit or talk with people. I realize how much happier I can be when I live like this. In reality, I don't think people care that much. At most I picture them making note of it, thinking I am wrong and then moving on. I can deal with that. I don't need my family members to like me. I have finally realized when they "like" me, I am often times less happy.

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