Sunday, June 27, 2010


Well, a couple days ago, I had myself a pity party. Definitely not because of my life now, my life is great. I instead had a few thoughts about my childhood. I rarely think of the past anymore and I'm not sure why I did at this time. I think it may be because recently I have been given copies of some letters my grandmother wrote at the time when I was young. She lived with my family the entire time I was growing up. My siblings read them as well and I found all of our reactions interesting. She seemed to make an attempt at holding herself back from her negative feelings but since I lived with her longer than my other siblings, I knew they were there. I feel that some of my siblings read the letters with rose colored glasses on. I would not consider myself a pessimist, but rather a realist. I actually consider myself an optimist but then again I bet most people think that. She was not a bad person but she also was not the wonderful person that some may see. When I gave this kind of response to my siblings, I sort of got the impression that a couple of them looked down on me. Mind you, I did not go on and on about negative things, I just felt as if I jokingly pointed out a couple of things. To be honest, I was a bit annoyed at one sibling in particular. This sibling said that my grandmother was a very positive and kind person and insinuated I was not because I was not being nice when I talked about my experience with her in my childhood. The fact is, she was not really positive and she was not really kind. I'm very big on the philosophy "actions speak louder than words." You may write words that make you appear nice but how do you actually live your life? What's funny about the entire thing? I think she actually sort of liked me better than some. You would think that if anyone saw her with rose colored glasses it would be me.

For myself, it made me look at how I live my life. I think maybe my situation is the opposite. If someone read letters/emails that I've written they would think that I am not such a good person but knowing me personally they would see me as a nice person. In reality, I try to live my life in a positive way. I am acutely aware that my actions speak louder than my words. I try to raise my children in such a way that they will look back fondly and think that I was a good mother. I think that I often times show my love with my actions. I can never be sure, but I can hope that my kids will remember these things.

On the other hand, no one is perfectly happy all the time and sometimes my writings, words and actions reflect this. I thought about whether I would change myself and decided that I can not pretend to be anything other than myself. I've decided that instead of pretending I will try to follow the advice my mother liked to give, "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." I will apply this to my emails to my siblings in particular. I will not always be successful but that is okay with me. That's why I have a category on my blog called "complaints." I'm much safer writing it here than sending it out to relatives! I rarely look back on my childhood with fondness and when I do, it's never with a fondness for my relatives and I can't pretend things were different but I can keep my mouth I most often do with a few occasional slips here and there! It's much better for my mental health to not dwell on the past. That is good advice to follow...


Brenda Grolle said...

While it's very true that we can each have an entirely different perspective on a person or an experience, I've found that it can also be true that a person can behave entirely differently between people.

For example, I never really got along well with my late maternal grandmother. Yet, she adored my daughter, treated her like gold. Then, when my son was born, she was very indifferent to him.

I can sort of understand now why my mother and uncle never got along - thinking back, she definitely played favorites between them.

Angela Giles Klocke said...

I think sometimes we also view people from how we are, not necessarily how they are. Does that make sense? If one person's behavior mirrors another's, they might be less likely to see it in the other person.

It doesn't mean your thoughts are any less valid than your siblings'. :)

Elise said...

Thanks for the comments...I just got back from a vacation at the Jersey Shore where I had to deal with my in laws...even worse that emailing back and forth with my siblings! Ha ha ha! Dealing with 10 extra people in a house that is only 20 feet by 22 feet was not fun! Why is it that relatives make me want to run away screaming? Ha ha ha!