If our middle school doesn't get its Middle States accreditation, it might be my fault! There is a team coming to observe all the schools in our district. Our middle school decided that they would pick some students from each grade level to go to lunch with these people. My son was one of the students that they picked. On the surface I can see why they picked him. His straight A's, his great behavior, his friendly smile. All of these are perfect reasons. Little do they know that at home he has a mother (me) who rants and raves continuously about every little problem that the schools have. Who commonly calls the principal of the elementary school an idiot. Who teaches them that every teacher has their "quirks" (also known as psychological problems) and you have to learn to work around them. These are just a few of the topics I cover in my daily dialouges entitled "problems in your school".
So my poor son feels the pressure. He's old enough to realize that he needs to apply a little BS, but maybe still young enough to get it wrong. When I found out that he was going to be the one to answer this teams questions I said, "don't take this the wrong way, but I just picture you saying something really stupid". He said "I know, I do too!" He'll try to do the right thing and say good things about the school but....somehow I just can't shake this feeling of doom! The other part of me just can't stop laughing!